Lived in India for 6 months making music with trancemasters from around the world.
Interned at DV Garage
Interned at San Francisco's DV Garage. Under the mentorship of Alex Lindsey (Ex-Rebel Mac Unit at Industrial Light and Magic) I learned commercially viable techniques using 3D and motion graphics software.
Awarded a provincial grant and launched Inoculate.Media in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Built video processing pipelines, transcoders, and applications for the TV and film industry. Started learning about ai and machine learning. Producer at Vivo Media Arts.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Relocated to Las Vegas and created large scale projection mapping and immersive environments at Area 15.
Continued building knowledge of ai and machine learning and how they apply to video.
Haawke Neural Technology and Inoculate.Media are supported with Cloud TPUs from Google's TPU Research Cloud (TRC) and Google's generous donation of these resources.